On the plus side, my bed is finally assembled! I'll work on un-packing the rest of my clothes soon and sotring them in the drawers underneath, then my apartment will be mostly complete. I'll be adding a few more decorative items over the next few months, but right now it's functional and there's no longer a giant air mattress occupying most of my floorspace. Photos will come in the next few weeks.
Work is still moving along. I understand most of the basics now, but still have to go back and re-do a few processes because of missed steps. One of the other analysts on my team is rotating out in August being replaced by a new hire, so I'll be taking on some of his duties as well.
Right now I'm just looking forward to the end of this week. Thursday I have lunch to meet my women in finance mentor circle, Friday is team lunch, then leaving early to pick mom up from the airport, trying a new place for dinner, seeing Harry Potter again. Saturday will be the zoo then Keith Urban concert. Awesome weekend.