Sunday, June 12, 2011

Michigan/NC differences

Please note: these are generalizations and I've seen exceptions to every one.

NC: McDonald's workers are older and never really seem happy with their jobs.
MI: McDonald's workers are young and cheery (maybe because there's no chick-fil-a here, so the young people work at McDs instead?)

NC: Gentlemen hold doors for ladies.
MI: Gentlemen rush past ladies, go through the door, then maybe extend a foot behind them as an afterthought to keep the door from closing completely in front of lady.

NC: Cars in parking lots stop to let pedestrians cross.
MI: 5 cars go by before a pedestrian has to rush across in the small traffic break.

NC: You can make a left turn.
MI: Has a "Michigan left" which I fail to recognize as a left at all. It's a right turn followed by a u-turn. Call it what it is, people.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for an afternoon laugh! Michigan is the home of No Left Turns.
